Sunday, March 1, 2015

Harvey Reacts: Jurassic World Feathers

Harvey Reacts to:
Should Jurassic World's Dinosaurs Have Feathers?

As I've said before, Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies of all time.  So naturally, when I heard that there was going to be a new movie in 2015, I was very excited, especially after the trailer dropped.  However, there has been a debate going around the Internet that I've found interesting: Should the dinosaurs in the movie have feathers?  For those of you who don't know, in the last 20 years, there has been a lot of evidence suggesting that many dinosaurs had feathers, including Velociraptor, Therizinosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus.  This has lead many people to be frustrated that a movie franchise that was once praised for its accuracy, has continued to subscribe to the outdated idea of "naked" dinosaurs.  This is especially troubling with the raptors, who are the most bird-like of the dinos.  Many people want to show the main steam media that dinosaurs and birds were much more birdlike than previously thought, and the Jurassic Park franchise is the perfect way to do it.  However, other people believe that making some of the dinosaurs have feathers would confuse audiences who didn't already have a lot of knowledge on paleontology.  Also, adding feathers would make it feel out of continuity with the other films, which had a lack of feathers.

So what do I think?  I would have to go with the pro-feathers camp.  As someone who is fascinated with paleontology, it would be awesome to see feathered dinosaurs on the big screen, showing how far science has come since the first movie.  As for continuity, they could explain in the new movie that they had previously genetically modified the dinosaurs to look more like the common perception of dinosaurs at the time.  However, there is a way that not having feathers could work.  A character could mention that they tried making the dinosaurs with feathers, but it didn't appeal to test audiences or the board of directors.

Ultimately, this is a small issue in the grand scheme of things.  The Jurassic Park franchise has always had inaccuracies, whether it's the gigantic size of the Velociraptors, or Tyrannosaurus not being able to see still objects.  Despite the "nakedness" of the dinosaurs, I'm still very excited for Jurassic World.  Chris Pratt training raptors is too awesome to miss.

Stay Tuned        

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